Proposed Te Tai o Poutini Plan

Te Tai o Poutini Plan (TTPP) is the combined District Plan for the Buller, Grey and Westland District Councils. It will replace the current individual district plans. TTPP sets out the objectives, policies, rules and methods to manage land use activities and subdivision across the districts. TTPP also includes online maps to show zoning, and where various rules apply.

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Where are we at


The hearings on the Proposed TTPP began on 30 October 2023. For information about key dates, information, and submitters, please go to the menu and click on the hearings Topic.

We are now ready to hear your submissions on the TTPP

The Plan was publicly notified as a Proposed Plan on 14 July 2022. We received a total of 534 submissions on the plan with over 15,000 submission points. These submissions have now been summarised and hearings have begun.

You can read the about the hearing process by clicking here.

Who is hearing the plan

For information about who will be hearing from submitters click here.

When are hearing of submissions being held

Hearings began on 30 October 2023.

Click here to see the timetable for topic dates.