Contestable Fund
Application guidelines
- All applications must be submitted on the Contestable Fund application form or online below.
- Funding will only be provided for projects that are held within the Grey District and have a direct and demonstrable benefit to the community.
- All requests for financial support are to be dealt with as requests for fund.
- Applications must include a summary of the organisation’s latest financial situation. If the application is successful, full financial statements may be requested
- Applications will be evaluated in terms of:
- the direct benefit of the fund to ratepayers/residents of the district.
- the alignment of the application to Council’s Wellbeings; Environmental, Economical, Social or Cultural.
- the availability of funds from other sources such as Creative New Zealand, Lottery Grants Commission, COGS, Ministry of Social Development Funding.
- the funds received from other sources.
- the level of contribution to the project made by the applicant.
- the effect on the individual/organisation if the Council does not support the application.
If successful all recipients will be required to account accurately for funds within 12 months.
Grant Evaluation Criteria
- Will the grant directly benefit communities within the Grey District? If so, how many?
- Are there any other bodies that are specifically designed to cater for these requests? e.g. Creative New Zealand, Lottery Grants Commission, COGS, Ministry of Social Development Funding?
- Has the organisation received, or have they applied, for funds from other organisations for the same project? If so, how much?
- How much of their own funds does the organisation have to put towards, this request/project?
- Is the organisation/individual a non-profit body and able to accurately account for any funds granted?
- Has the organisation supplied all information on the application form, including a set of accounts?
- What is the effect on the individual/organisation if the Council does not support the application?
How to apply:
When the funding round opens for applications, complete the online form (which will be available below) or pick up an application form available from:
- Grey District Council Reception, 105 Tainui Street, between 8.30am to 4.30pm
- Greymouth Library, 18 Albert St, Greymouth. Monday to Friday 9.30m to 5pm
or a downloadable version is available here:
- 2024 application form [printable pdf]
- 2024 application form [interactive pdf]
Previous successful applicants must have completed and returned a project completion report before Council will accept another application.
Download the form here:
For more information please contact:
Marina Tomasi, Engagement and Communication Officer: | 027 243 9381 |
Email applications to: | |