General Information
Key dates for the Grey District local authority elections 2022
15 July 2022 | Nominations open for candidates. |
12 August 2022 | Nominations close at 12 noon. |
12 September 2022 | Electoral roll closes - anyone who is entitled to vote but not registered by this date or who's details are incorrectly recorded will have to cast a 'special vote'. |
Candidates' names will be published as they become available | |
16 September 2022 | Voting documents are delivered to households. |
8 October 2022 | Voting closes at 12 noon |
8 October 2022 | Preliminary results will be available as soon as all of the ordinary votes have been counted. |
13-23 October 2022 (approx) | Official results declared (after all ordinary and special votes have been counted). |
Don't run out of time, vote early on 'Vote Day'
Don't forget to have your say and vote early on 'Vote Day'. Remember voting closes at 12 noon on October 8, 2022.
How do we stand for Council?
Nominations will be open on Friday 15 July 2022 and close at 12 noon on Friday 12 August 2022. More information will be available closer to the time.
Candidate information handbook
This handbook outlines information which you need to know as a candidate in the 2022 local authority elections.
Candidate information booklet (PDF,1.6MB)
You can also check out the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Candidate Guide on their website here.
Guidelines for managing electioneering signs on state highways.
The information provided are guideline objectives. To minimise the potential for road crashes arising from drivers being distracted by indiscriminate installation of electioneering signs and to ensure consistency of application of NZTA policy on such signs with minimal involvement of NZTA.
How do we find information about candidates?
Candidates will generally promote themselves from the time their nominations are confirmed until the end of the election period through the newspaper, radio advertising, billboards, leaflets delivered to mail boxes or the internet. Candidates may also attend public meetings where they can present their views and answer questions from electors.
The local newspaper will normally run stories about candidates and their campaigns during the elections.
Candidates may also provide a candidate profile statement' to the electoral officer with their nomination, which the electoral officer has to include with the voting documents posted to electors. This information will be included on our website once nominations have closed.
How can electors vote if they are not on the roll?
Electors have until mid-September of the election year to get on the roll before the rolls close for the local elections. After that date, if an eligible elector is not on the roll, or their roll details are wrong, they may cast a special vote. If their name is not on the roll they must apply to enrol before voting. They may also cast a special vote if their voting papers are lost or damaged, or if they can satisfy the electoral officer that it would be too difficult to cast an ordinary vote.
Anyone wanting to cast a special vote must contact the electoral officer by the day before polling day at the latest.
When will election results be available?
It is expected that a progress result will be released by the Electrol Officer by 2pm on Saturday 8 October 2022. The preliminary results for the Grey District will be released as soon as ordinary voting papers have been received and processed at the processing centre, this is likely to be by 5pm Sunday 9 October if not before. They will also be displayed on a board in the Council foyer as well as on our website.
Final results will be available the following week once all of the ordinary and special votes have been counted.