Operations and Capital Programme Delivery Committee
Membership: Full Council and one independent Iwi representative.
Purpose: The Council delegates to the Committee responsibility for governance and decision making in Roading, Three Waters, Amenities, and Capital Programme and Contracts.
Governance in the above areas will include:
- Monitoring activities.
- Review and establish levels of service in all areas of operations.
- Review of Activity Management Plans or those plans to establish the Long Term operation of services.
- Variations to budgeted costs within the Long Term Plan provisions.
- Approval of long standing maintenance contracts.
- Waiver of fees and charges outside delegated authorities, where considered less than high significance according to the Significance and Engagement Policy.
- Matters which are determined to be of high significance by the Committee may be recommended to Council for a decision.
Finance, Regulatory and Business Support Committee
Membership: Full Council and one independent Iwi representative.
Purpose: The finance responsibilities of the Committee include monitoring the overall financial management and performance of the Council including appropriate financial forecasting and cashflow monitoring.
The Committee will advise and support the Mayor on the development of the Long Term Plan (LTP) and Annual Plan (AP), preparation of the consultation document and supporting information, and the consultation process. The Committee will also make financial decisions required outside of the annual budgeting processes.
The regulatory responsibilities of the Committee are as follows:
- To develop and approve Council’s regulatory policies, and review as appropriate as necessary
- To develop district bylaws and recommend them for Council approval, and review as appropriate and necessary
- To consider any reports relating to any regulatory function to the Council
- To ensure that Council meets all compliance requirements relating to its regulatory responsibilities
- To approve contracts relating to the responsibilities of the Committee.
- Review of changes to central government policy or laws affecting Council’s regulatory and policy functions; review of regulatory functions or planning documents and policies of external agencies (including Regional Policy Statements and Plans), and lodgement of responses / submissions as necessary.
- Regulatory policy and administration of regulatory functions
- Animal control and dog control
- Responsible camping
- Parking control
- Building Control
Commercial and Economic Development Committee
Membership: Independently appointed Chair, Mayor (Deputy Chair), four Councillors.
Purpose: To provide governance and oversight in the management of Council’s commercial activities including its investments, real estate, Airport, tourism promotion and economic development and Port of Greymouth.
- Ensure that operational strategies, capital works programmes and activity management plans for Council’s commercial, tourism and economic development portfolio as a whole support appropriate returns on investment after balancing risks, commercial return, community outcomes and community well-being.
- Monitor and improve the performance of Council’s commercial, tourism and economic development portfolio, including identifying further opportunities to increase the portfolio.
- Receive and consider reports on strategies, and investments along with the identification and mitigation of financial and operational risk.
- Make recommendations to the Council on new investments, disposals, business opportunities and other matters in relation to the commercial portfolio.
Chief Executive Employment Committee
Membership: Mayor (Chair) and two Councillors.
- To review the Chief Executive’s Officer’s performance and make recommendations to Council.
- Undertake regular assessments of the wellbeing of the Chief Executive and to make recommendations to Council in relation to actions to ensure wellbeing.
- To manage the process of recruitment of a Chief Executive from time to time.
- To recommend to Council the annual salary level for the next financial year.
Risk and Assurance Subcommittee
Membership: Independently appointed Chair, Mayor (Deputy Chair), three Councillors.
Purpose: To assist the Council in discharging its responsibilities in relation to:
- The robustness of the internal control framework and financial management practices.
- The integrity and appropriateness of external reporting and accountability arrangements.
- The robustness of risk management system, processes, and practices.
- Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Standards and best practice guidelines, and
- The establishment and maintenance of controls to safeguard the Council’s financial and non-financial assets.
Grey District Resilience Subcommittee
Membership: Mayor (Chair) and two Councillors.
- To understand the resilience needs of Grey District communities.
- Ensure alignment with the resilience and civil defence activities of the organisation with community needs.
- To monitor civil defence preparedness activities, including reduction, readiness, response and recovery capability.
- To consider response and recovery capability in the context of lessons learned from emergency events and shocks.
- To make recommendations to Council on provision of civil defence resources and initiatives.
- To develop the Grey District Councils awareness of resilience as a concept, increasing the organisations maturity in matters of resilience management, with a view to collaborating with key stakeholder agencies to develop resilience plans, leading to development of resilient places and communities capable of withstanding shocks.
- To make recommendations to Council on matters of the district’s resilience.
- To consider the matters raised by the West Coast Emergency Management Joint Committee, in the context of activities required or undertaken by Grey District Council.
- To maintain awareness of the activities of the Joint Floodwall Committee.
- To build and maintain organisational awareness and collaborate with agencies implementing initiatives, policies and undertaking activities linked with resilience in the Grey District and the West Coast Region.
Animal Control Committee
Membership: Three Councillors.
- To hear and determine appeals to classifications of dogs.
- To determine cases of dog destruction as per Council policy.
Civic Awards Committee
Membership: Independent chair, Mayor, one Councillor and three independent members with a Queens/King's honour.
Purpose: To determine nominations for Civic Awards against Council’s Policy.
Creative Communities Committee
Membership: Two Councillors and four independent members.
Purpose: To determine funding applications for the Creative Communities fund.
Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund
Membership: Three Councillors and two independent members.
Purpose: To determine funding applications for the Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund.
Tenders Subcommittee
Membership: Mayor, One Councillor (Chair), and two Councillors.
Purpose: To determine all tenders with a value in excess of the limit set by Council from time to time. This includes a decision on reasonable grounds to not accept any tender and to re-tender the contract.
To extend existing contracts for no longer than 12 months where the subcommittee is of the opinion that:
- it is in Council’s best interest to do so
- The performance of the Contractor warrants such extension
- The extension will not cause controversy or
- The extension will not have legal implications for Council
To recommend measures to the Operations and Capital Delivery Programme Committee on how to improve Council’s oversight over the Council’s staff’s performance in managing contractors and contracts.
Members Code of Conduct Committee
Membership: The Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, one independent member with relevant mediation skills (appointed by the Chief Executive Officer).
- To hear allegations of breaches to the Code of Conduct.
- To receive a report from the Chief Executive Officer, Mayor or Independent Investigator regarding alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct.
- To consider if a complaint received in a report as above, warrants further investigation.
- To provide any member who may be the subject of a complaint, the opportunity to speak to their defence.
- Where there are statutory provisions dealing with the breach, the Committee may refer the breach to the relevant body.
- To assess and rule on any complaints following its investigations.
- Determination of sanctions for identified breaches of the Code of Conduct.
- The Committee will report breaches, the findings of its investigations and any sanctions imposed to the Council in accordance with the Code of Conduct provisions.
Joint Floodwall Committee
Membership: The Mayor and two Councillors.
- To agree on the annual capital/maintenance programme for the floodwalls to maintain structural and functional competence.
- To formulate a recommendation to WCRC for a rate strike to fund the maintenance programme noting that the actual rate strike and rating district created is an exclusive WCRC function.
- To advise both Councils on measures aimed at maintaining a 1:50 year plus 600 mm freeboard river inundation capacity
Te Tai Poutini One Plan (TTPP)
Membership: The Mayor and one Councillor.
Purpose: Ref. Cl. 8 of the Reorganisation Order.
District Licensing Committee
Membership: An Independent Chair, two independent members, one Councillor (Deputy Chair).
Purpose: Functions of licensing committees (Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act s187):
- To consider and determine applications for licences and manager’s certificates; and
- To consider and determine applications for renewal of licences and manager’s certificates; and
- To consider and determine applications for temporary authority to carry on the sale and supply of alcohol in accordance with section 136; and
- To consider and determine applications for the variation, suspension, or cancellation of special licences; and
- To consider and determine applications for the variation of licences (other than special licences) unless the application is brought under section 280; and
- With the leave of the chairperson for the licensing authority, to refer applications to the licensing authority; and
- To conduct inquiries and to make reports as may be required of it by the licensing authority under section 175; and
- Any other functions conferred on licensing committees by or under this Act or any other enactment.