Wheelie Bin Update
The rollout of wheelie bins and glass crates has been going very well, with the majority of wheelie bins and glass crates now delivered.
Our contractor is this week doing a final wash-up of deliveries including glass crates to customer properties, east of Stillwater (customers within the new Friday collection area). There were some properties that our contractor was not easily able to identify during the first portion of the rollout and those properties will receive their wheelie bins and glass crates this coming week.
The rollout was a significant undertaking by our contractor, with a little over 2,600 properties receiving their two-wheelie bins and a glass crate.
Residents should make contact with Council if they have not received their delivery, call us on 03 769 8611. Our team will check the property details and follow up with our contractor, to confirm when delivery is expected.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this rollout. Council and contractor have had to contend with appalling weather conditions, delays and staff illness making it a trying time for all.